Rhea’s Story. Part 11.
« Lord, I’m a bow. Draw me … and who gives a fuck if I break »
- Mom quoting Kazantzakis in her own way on the phone last night. She does not do electronic or digital communication so I’ve been reading these posts to her on the old fashioned telephone. « I wrote that? I sound good! » she says. And I read her the comments and she likes that you dig it too. « If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen » is another thing she likes to say…
That’s me and Piper flanking Mom - 1 - 45ish years ago, and 2 - 22 ish years ago- and mom and students at Oriental expression studio.
VIDEO w/ accompanying dialogue: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2xvtFVx4Yc/